Session 4: Luke Chapters 7-8 God Draws Near (Part 2)
Reference to the Old Testament is found throughout the gospels. Raising of the dead? Check. Calming the stormy seas? Check. Come see how the Lord intertwines the stories of old and new together in Luke Chapters 7-8.
Session 4: Luke Chapters 7-8 God Draws Near (Part 1)
Despite demonstrating he is greater than the prophets of old, Jesus does not let that distance him from the people he came to serve. His power does not push us from him but in fact draws us near.
Personal Bible Study
There should be time for us to sit with God’s word, his conversation to us and let it speak to us. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word is alive and active. Here are three methods that help us study the active word: soap, hear, and word.
Session 3: Luke Chapters 5-6 Salvation Power of Jesus (Part 2)
What does following the Old Testament law have to do with following Jesus? Join the conversation on Luke 5-6.
Session 3: Luke Chapters 5-6 Salvation Power of Jesus (Part 1)
Jesus has the authority and power to deliver us from not only our sin but also from physical ailments, social oppression, and our burdens, as a start. Join us in studying Luke Chapters 5-6.
30 Days of Giving Thanks 2021
Free download of prompts and verses for 30 days of giving thanks to God for his character and gifts. Can be used any time of year, free digital pdf or jpg!
Session 2: Luke Chapters 3-4 Beginning a Ministry (Part 2)
Jesus came for the poor, the prisoners, the blind, the oppressed. I was or am each one of these. He came for me. He came for you. Join us to learn more about him.
Session 2: Luke Chapters 3-4 Beginning a Ministry (Part 1)
Jesus began his ministry on the banks of the Jordan river, followed by 40 days in the wilderness. He too experienced temptation and hunger. Come and see what else he shares with you.
Powerful Names of Jesus in Luke 1-2
The powerful names of Jesus in Luke 1-2 announcements and songs are worth meditating on. Free download of six names as wall art!
Session 1: Luke Chapters 1-2 The Light Has Come (Part 2)
The Light Has Come; the Light Shines today! Study with us the links to the Old Testament found in Luke chapters 1-2.
Session 1: Luke Chapters 1-2 The Light Has Come (Part 1)
The Light has come! Join our study as it begins in Luke chapters 1-2. The Son reveals the Father through his heart for the people.
The Son Reveals the Father through his Heart for the People - Luke Intro
It is in Luke’s gospel that we see the breadth of Jesus’ ministry to reach all people, to bring all into his arms and show them his heart for them personally. Since Christ and the Father are one (John 10:30), Luke provides the opportunity to see for ourselves how God interacts with his beloved, how he showers his beloved with goodness and mercy all of our days (Ps 23:6). And the good news is that you are his beloved! He delights in you (Zeph 3:17)!
Since Christ came to seek and to save the lost, join me in seeing how Jesus revealed the Father through his heart for the people in the book of Luke. Join our 12-week study session starting today through the end of the year.
HALF-LIE: Forgiving gives the person room to hurt me again
If you reconcile, it is wise to guard yourself. It is important to take the relationship through a process of building trust to restore the relationship, just as Joseph did with his brothers. It is important to consider boundaries or ways to protect ourselves when we continue with the relationships.
LIE: I need to tell the person I forgive them
Forgiveness is something that is between you and God, the offender has nothing to do with it. If the conversation calls for it, the person asks forgiveness or seeks to mend the relationship, it might be the right time to say that you have forgiven or do forgive someone.
LIE: If I Forgive, I have to reconcile
It comes down to reconciliation as a choice, not a must. It would seem to be easier to reconcile if the person is repentant. But in all honesty, it is not always as easy as a ‘choice’.