Why and How to Do a Topical Bible Study
Study Sarah Howley Study Sarah Howley

Why and How to Do a Topical Bible Study

A topical study of the Bible opens our eyes to what God has to say about a subject; it an approach at studying the idea as a whole throughout the Bible. It is also a great resource to answer questions about a specific topic.

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Doing a Study of a Character in the Bible – 7 Steps
Study Sarah Study Sarah

Doing a Study of a Character in the Bible – 7 Steps

How to do a Bible character study and free download. We look at the struggles or conflicts the person has faced, the lessons that person has learned, how God has impacted their life and how the person has changed or grown. Looking at these aspects of a person, we can see better who God is, his character, and how he interacts with man.

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How to do a Bible Word Study in 4 steps
Study Sarah Study Sarah

How to do a Bible Word Study in 4 steps

Bible word study in four steps and using free resources online. Doing a word study can help clarify meaning, deepen understanding, assist in memory recall, and delight our soul. A word study is useful in many ways.

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Joy in anticipating Jesus’ coming - advent
Holiday, Study Sarah Holiday, Study Sarah

Joy in anticipating Jesus’ coming - advent

At Christmas, we see in the nativity scenes all around us that Jesus came. We don’t see many reminders that Christ is coming again. This is what we must prepare for: his second coming. What joy the anticipation of his second coming brings! The joy of knowing that when he comes, we will be like him.

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