Spiritual Practices: Service
A description of service as biblical practice following Jesus’ example, in humility and with heart.

Simplicity bible reading plan
A 28-day reading plan on Simplicity in the Bible. Join us to read along.

Spiritual Practices: Kindness
How does kindness look in the Bible? Two examples that make me question what kindness is.

What I’ve learned in a Year of Brave 2024
What I learned in a year of being brave … in life, in family, in Christ

Kindness Bible Reading Plan
Kindness Bible Reading Plan of 31 days. Follow along with us to discover what the bible says about kindness.

Spiritual Practices: Attentiveness
Jesus stopped and spent time with people. He saw them. He knew them. He met their needs and challenged their faith. He focussed on them, as if they were the only concern in that moment.

Attentiveness Bible Reading Plan
Attentiveness Bible Reading Plan for 31 days. Planned for December 2024, but can be followed anytime.

Spiritual Practices: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is commanded by God. There is nothing more that I need to serve him well in this area. Just give thanks.

Bravery in the Brain
Bravery reinforces bravery. Perhaps that is why the Bible repeats encouragement to have courage!

Spiritual Practices: Stewardship
So often the focus of stewardship is outward – it is how we offer the “three ts” to others and to the church. However, I would challenge us to say as well that these considerations need to turn inward as well.

Stewardship Bible Reading Plan
Stewardship Bible Reading Plan for 31 days covering time, treasure, and talent according to the Bible.