Blessed Correction - Mark Chapter 8
Jesus instructs us, corrects us, and leads us in ways unimaginable. That his correction is a blessing seems counter-intuitive. Yet it is so because his word affirms it.
Tradition and Worship - Mark Chapter 7
Tradition and worship are related yet also can be found in tense opposition of each other. What does Jesus say about them?
Expanding Ministry - Mark Chapter 6
Jesus expands his ministry: sending the 12, commanding nature, feeding multitudes. How great is he!
Waiting for Compassion - Mark Chapter 5
In chapter 5 of Mark, Jesus responds to calls for his action, and they receive his compassion. How compassionate he is toward us! He answers our call.
Old Testament Links in Mark Chapters 1-4 (Day 5)
Today’s session takes a look at where the Words of Jesus reflect the Old Testament. Both the law and the character of God are found in Jesus, God incarnate.
Importance of the Word - Mark Chapter 4
Access to our hearts and God’s changing of us begins with his word. In this chapter, Jesus speaks of the Word, its importance and its work.
Compassionate Servant - Mark Chapter 3
The book of Mark highlights the compassion that God has on his people. He is often challenged by those who feel the law is king, yet Jesus balances compassion and law.
Demonstrations of Authority - Mark Chapter 2
Chapter 2 shows many signs of Jesus’s authority. His miracles and teachings lay the foundation for the God-given authority that Jesus claims.
Preparation and Start of Ministry - Mark Chapter 1
The Word of God achieves its purpose. Mark Ch 1 already reveals the priorities that Jesus has for his ministry and sets out to achieve it.
Master & Servant: Jesus
Mark reveals the Jesus who shines light on the heart of God, demonstrating many promises of the Old Testament in his actions. This is a study is 20 sessions, designed to be completed in 15 minutes per day, and is the third in our The Son Reveals the Father series.
I AM Study Closure
This study opens up the hidden passages of the Old Testament, those passages that show how God longed after and continues to long after his people. The old and new testament continuum begs to be noticed in studying the I am statements.
Session 8: I AM He – John 4, 6, 8, 13, 18
I am, he reveals himself many times in the book of John. Take a deeper look at these six accounts in the life of Jesus where he proclaims who he is: I am.
I am Statements from John - Free download
What has been your favorite verse in the study? Is it from the old or the new testament? Free download of the I AM statements of Jesus as found in the book of John.
Session 7: I AM the True Vine – John 15:1-17
He is the True Vine, and the Father is the Vinedresser. Don’t you love that title, vinedresser?
Session 6: I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life – John 14:1-15
Most of us have either gotten lost heading to a new place or we have been given nebulous directions to assist us in arriving at a new location. He is the way. The truth. The Life.