Blessed Correction - Mark Chapter 8

Day 9 – Chapter 8

Promise: Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so, do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. - Job 5:17

This verse from Job makes one pause when considering the condition that Job is in for most of the book. He lost all of his children, crops, livestock, and servants. Then he lost his health. It is a challenge to consider all this loss a blessing, yet this is what Job’s friend Eliphaz encourages us to embrace. Blessed is even sometimes translated as ‘happy’. How does correction bring us happiness or blessing?

Read Chapter 8.

Jesus feeds a multitude again and in much the same way as in Chapter 6. Jesus intercedes on our behalf to God, then he gives the provision to us. How does this reflect on prayer?

Here the disciples are again asked ‘Do you still not understand?’ in verse 20. What is it that they do not understand?

Jesus twice touched the blind man to bring about healing. What can we understand of God’s work in each of us from this?

In Verses 27-30, what does Jesus’s progression of questions indicate about faith?

What might Peter and the other disciples have been feeling in hearing that Jesus was to suffer, be rejected and be killed?

Peter is chastised for his mind being on the wrong things. How is this comforting to today’s followers?

We are often told the benefits of joining a club yet must request the details of the cost. However, Jesus then begins to openly describe the cost of following him, the Messiah. Why does Jesus tell of the cost?

Summarize the cost that Jesus describes in verses 34-38.

Application: The disciples are asked for their personal declaration of who Jesus is in verse 29. Who do you say he is?

mk 8-29 who do you say i am?

Old Testament Links in Mark Chapters 5-8 (Day 10)


Tradition and Worship - Mark Chapter 7