Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:14-30
The master knows the ability of the servants and does not expect more than can be done. He also shows faith in the abilities of his servants by entrusting work to them while he is away.

Parable of the Wedding Banquet and the Ten Virgins - Matt 22:1-13 and Matt 25:1-13
The parable reminds me that perhaps we judge those around us, estimate their competency, their quality of work, but we are not able to estimate the quality of their heart. It reminds me that when I judge, I will get it wrong. Only God can judge the heart.

Parable of the Tenants - Matt 21:33-46
God has entrusted us with a mission. He helps us carry it out therefore, his trust is not misplaced. We need to consider if we are tending that mission and being fruitful.

Parable of the Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32
Why did the sons choose so differently? In keeping the faith, we know where to turn when the work is too hard, or too emotionally draining, or just too everything. And we do turn to him.

Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Matt 20:1-16
In the Parable of the Workers of the Vineyard, I see more the generosity of the vineyard owner, who gave because he could and saw no value in withholding from others. The vineyard owner who offers work to all, adding meaning to their day.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Matt 18:23-35
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant tells me I must seek to forgive quickly, extend mercy and grace. These must be the things that infiltrate my being.

Parable of the Fishing Net Matthew 13:47-50
No one will escape the end as described in the Parable of the Fishing Net. The Lord is generous, should we not also be generous in sharing him?

Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Parable of the Pearl, Matthew 13:44-45
If we are digging for riches in the kingdom of heaven, the natural outcome is to share them when we find them.

Parable of Yeast, Matthew 13:33
The Bread of Life will abound. He meets not just the minimal of our needs, but so much more.

Parable of the Mustard Seed, Matthew 13:31-32
The kingdom of God is not only a place yet to be seen. It is the part of heaven which we live out now. It is the life we live, the gospel within us and among us.

Parable of the Weeds, Matthew 13:24-30
The good grows with the bad. Our eyes deceive us, our mind and heart deceive us when we are not connected to him to understand the good and the bad. His sovereignty continues in all this, including the decision to let the good grow with the bad.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13: 2-8, 18-23
The Parable of the Sower introduces the descriptions of the kingdom from Jesus. Though the Old Testament refers to the kingdom that will come, we belong in it. What do we need to know of the kingdom?

Give to God What Is God's - Mark Chapter 12
Chapter 12 of Mark seems to focus on the various ways we give back to God that which is his, from the Parable of the Tenants to loving God with all our being to the widow’s offering. Study with us through Mark!

I AM Study Closure
This study opens up the hidden passages of the Old Testament, those passages that show how God longed after and continues to long after his people. The old and new testament continuum begs to be noticed in studying the I am statements.