A Shepherd and a Gardener: Genesis 4:1-8
The first shepherd and the first gardener in the Bible offered spontaneous worship offerings to God. From the beginning, God guided his people to be like him and to worship him. He too is the Good Shepherd and the Gardener.
Session 5: I AM the Resurrection and the Life – John 11:1-44
He is resurrection. Not only Lazarus, but he resurrects dreams or relationships that have died away or need a breath of fresh air. He can and does resurrect. I am the resurrection and the life.
Session 4: I AM the Good Shepherd - John 10:11-21
I am the Good Shepherd. Jesus’s fourth of the famous I am statements offers a glimpse at his character and how he cares for us. Oh, how he cares for us!
Jesus Is the Door: Protection, provision, healing
Jesus is the door. Just like when we enter a safe place, He provides protection, provision and healing. Seek him for these things.
Session 3: I AM the Door (Gate) – John 10:1-10
I am the door. Jesus is the one who stands at the entrance and watches over our comings and goings. But he is so much more than that. Check out our study today!
Session 2: I AM the Light of the World - John 8:12-20, 12:35-36
I am the light of the world. Jesus’s statement offers us hope and life all in one. Study it with us!
Have You Eaten Yet?
Jesus didn’t choose bread randomly. He chose something that we can identify with as a foundation of our physical health and tied it to our spiritual health. He made the statement as a clear indication of importance.
Session 1: I AM the Bread of Life – John 6:25-59
Join us for an in-depth look at the New and Old Testament passages about God and bread. This bread from God is a free gift of nourishment. Come find it for yourself.
I AM: The Son Reveals the Father
I Am: A study of Jesus’s statements in the Gospel of John. Here is the introduction, with motivation and outline of the study. Hope you will join us!
Passover and Christ
The convergence of new and old, the new covenant and the Passover are fascinating in the few verses of Passover that we are given in the Gospel of Matthew.
Session 11: Matthew 26-28
Conclusion of Matthew study! Please share any new or interesting things you discovered during the study and your questions about Jesus or God developed over the course of the study!
Session 10: Matthew 23-25
Matthew 23-25, a study of The Son reveals the Father continues. Jesus teaches through parables and discusses the end times.
What do you want me to do for you? - Matthew 20:32
What do I want for Jesus to do for me? The invitation opens the door for us to be open, real, and vulnerable with him.
Session 8: Matthew 17-19
What does Jesus say about taxes? What are His teachings on sin in the church? Check out chapters 17-19 in our study of Matthew.