Run our own Race
We must recognize our own race, our own God-given priorities and then choose them above all else, in order to then place the priorities of others in their proper place.
Simply Grace
By giving ourselves grace and acknowledging that our priority was right, serving him and doing what he wants for us to do, we have no reason to carry the burden of disappointment.
Seed of Simplicity
That focus helps us trust in him when we are distracted, trampled, superficial, fearful, worried, negative. He is here and he is the focus and the solution.
His death is for our life
He died for us. Each one of us. He died for you. Yes, it was personal.
Pearl of Simplicity
We are not at all like the merchant, seeking the best deal in all the land. The merchant who finds a priceless pearl.
The Secret of Contentment
I guess I want Paul to say something like ‘And the secret is…’ so that I would know exactly this secret of contentedness - and he does.
Intentional Living
Many people find the word ‘simplicity’ a turn off, mainly because there may be a push for ‘less stuff’ or ‘do less.’ However, that is not my focus.
Simplicity and Peace
It is this slaving to the external world, to the expectations of society, to damaged and damaging concepts of success that we must throw off in order to achieve peace.
Anxiety in Evidence: Confusion
I know that I am weak and easily confused. God too knows this and has told us and shown us how to overcome this.
Anxiety in Evidence: Avoidance
I don’t think it is a surprise that avoidance is a flashing red light indicating that we are anxious about something.
Anxiety in Evidence: Anger, Part 2
Prayerful consideration behind anger and openly speaking truthfully of my fears has lifted me out of the paralysis of fear.
Anxiety in Evidence: Anger
Peter has got to be one of my favorite Bible guys. He made every mistake (read: sin) possible and Jesus loved him and accepted him all the same.
Anxiety in Evidence: Stress
Jesus made choices for his own well-being and achieved everything without hurry, but rather with attention and care of the moment.
Anxiety in Evidence: Shame
We need only bring things to the Light, to Christ, and He makes things new and sets us free. anxiety and Christ: Shame need not follow us
Anxiety in Evidence: Comparisons
That is the trap of comparison – we think ‘better’, and we forget that really, we should think ‘different.’ Christ created us not to be compared, but to be unique.