Savoring His Creation
New Testament Sarah New Testament Sarah

Savoring His Creation

He savors the time with us, just as He savored the walk in the garden with Adam and Eve. He made us to savor things too. To savor relationships, to appreciate His creation, to enjoy the taste of coffee (or whatever your drink is!).

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Savoring each Moment
New Testament Sarah New Testament Sarah

Savoring each Moment

I guess it is a ‘stop and smell the roses’ kind of thing. Stop and pay attention to what is going on around us. Savor moments that God created, savor moments with him. Savoring, slowing down, gives us rest in Jesus Christ.

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Gift of Rest(oration)
Old Testament Sarah Old Testament Sarah

Gift of Rest(oration)

We all know the creation story: light, sky, land with vegetation, sun and stars, sea and air animals, land animals and man, rest. God could have stopped at day 6, said it was good, and then continued on with the rest of the story. But he chose to rest. We all need rest.

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