Break the Hurry Habit

I keep thinking that I need to break this hurry habit. And what keeps coming to mind is a retreat. I consider Elijah in 1 Kings 19 who ran for his life and finally collapsed under the broom tree and told God that he had had enough and just couldn’t take it anymore. How many times have we said, ‘I just can’t take it anymore’? Elijah was there in that place of exhaustion. And he slept. He ate. He drank. He slept. He was already alone, but he journeyed another 40 days into the wilderness and found a cave and slept.

The Lord of the gentle whisper restores us

Elijah spent so much time away from the people, the threat on his life; he was alone. And still he remained alone all this time. But he still wasn’t ready to return to his work. Getting away from it all wasn’t enough. He needed an encounter with God to be ready again, to be refreshed, restored. The Lord came to him and Elijah basically said he had been working hard for Him and was now a hunted man. I sometimes feel hunted by the list of things to get done, the deadlines others have placed on me and my time. And Lord came to spend time with Elijah, not in the violent wind, not in the earthquake or the fire, but in the gentle whisper.

The gentle whisper of the Lord can only be heard when we have taken the time to be still and rest in His presence. The gentle voice of the Lord was the only thing that Elijah needed in order to be ready to go back to work. Just like that he was back at work. An encounter with God, the choice to spend time with Him is all the refreshment we need. He is our refuge, our rock and hiding place. He is the only one who can restore us.

Hear the whisper

I’m not sure I recall the last time I set aside time to ‘be still and know he is God’ (Psalm 46:10). I feel the draw for a retreat with God alone. Something for the morning perhaps. I need to hear his still small voice that revives. A few days ago, we mentioned a few things we can do for an hour, but what can I do to fill a whole morning retreat?

Be Still Retreat (3 hours)

1st Hour

Prayer: Open with prayer of praise to Him.

Praise: Sing to him or Listen to a few songs that remind us of his good intention.

Prayer/Journaling: And then move to offer over to him all the things on that to-do list. Ask him to do these things with you, as we can do nothing without Him.

Refresh: Take a 20-minute nap

2nd Hour

Meditate: Read and meditate on the vineyard verses of John 15:1-8

Create: Sketch, draw or otherwise create your own artistic version of the verse(s) that stand out to you. This is between you and God, so let go and just be with Him. (If you insist, then here is a download to color.)

3rd Hour

Refresh: Enjoy a tasty treat (even Elijah was woken to eat and drink in his exhaustion!). Thank Him for each perfect chosen ingredient.

Journal: Review the ways that God has provided for you in overwhelming times. Ask for His guidance in prioritizing today’s important and urgent things.

Prayer: Thank him for His provision and again invite him to restore you and work together with you on your to-do.

enjoy a tasty treat, thank God for every bite

Savoring each Moment


Urgent or Important, God First