Parable of the Mustard Seed, Matthew 13:31-32
The kingdom of God is not only a place yet to be seen. It is the part of heaven which we live out now. It is the life we live, the gospel within us and among us.
Parable of the Weeds, Matthew 13:24-30
The good grows with the bad. Our eyes deceive us, our mind and heart deceive us when we are not connected to him to understand the good and the bad. His sovereignty continues in all this, including the decision to let the good grow with the bad.
The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13: 2-8, 18-23
The Parable of the Sower introduces the descriptions of the kingdom from Jesus. Though the Old Testament refers to the kingdom that will come, we belong in it. What do we need to know of the kingdom?
Alive Again Coming Soon!
Alive Again is coming soon! I wanted to give you some information about the book and invite you to join the Advance Reader-Reviewer Group.
Prophecy Fulfilled - Mark Chapters 13-16
Isaiah 53, known as the ‘Suffering Servant’ prophecy, reveals who God is, his requirements, and his plans. They are good. Come see just how good. Study with us today!
Victory Over Death - Mark Chapter 16
Jesus died, was buried, rose, and appeared to others. Do you believe in his resurrection and that it gives us victory over death? He conquered sin which separated us from God, do you believe?
Death of Our King - Mark Chapter 15
Many people observed the death of Jesus. What was their reaction? Come study with us!
Sacrificial Servant - Mark Chapter 14
The week of Passover continues as Jesus submits to arrest and trial. His sacrifice began at birth and comes to a climax. Join us in studying Mark Chapter 14.
Jesus Will Return - Mark Chapter 13
Jesus Will Return! He describes the end times but includes encouragement for believers. Come see what he says in Mark Chapter 13!
Renew Right Relations with God - Mark Chapters 9-12
How does following the law relate to following Jesus? Check out the connections of the book of Mark, Chapter 9-12, to the Old Testament with us. Join our study!
Give to God What Is God's - Mark Chapter 12
Chapter 12 of Mark seems to focus on the various ways we give back to God that which is his, from the Parable of the Tenants to loving God with all our being to the widow’s offering. Study with us through Mark!
Hail the King - Mark Chapter 11
Hail the King indeed. Jesus is praised upon his entry to Jerusalem. This is just the start of Passover week.
Challenges of Faith - Mark Chapter 10
God can handle our real-life messes. Trust him. Believe in him, despite your unbelief. He’s got you. Mark chapter 10 addresses challenges we have with our faith, so hold on!
One who Believes - Mark Chapter 9
Believe in the Lord for he is your help and shield, what a grand promise! Mark Chapter 9 gives numerous examples of how God is our help and shield. Study along with us.
Old Testament Links in Mark Chapters 5-8 (Day 10)
The accounts of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (Mark 6) and then the 4,000 (Mark 8) are not the first biblical stories of multiplying food for those in need. Come study other accounts of miraculous multiplying with us!