In Storms, Fear and Faith Change our Perspective
God makes our storms into something amazing. The slave trade of Joseph led to the salvation of a nation. The widowhood of Ruth led to redemption of the world.
God Fills the Gap: You matter and you measure up
Filled with the Spirit, we are enough. We need not strive to measure up to the ‘others’ because we know that we are full of the Spirit which is sufficient for all we require.
Believing God’s Word and Believing God
Lydia comes to mind as a woman who was perfectly set-up to take control. She was hosting Paul when he was arrested in Philippi. Oh my. I would have been frantic, running about town…
Control or Love Manifest in our Actions
Biblical teaching seems to give us love as the answer, but there is a struggle to love instead of control, especially in the age of loving everything - coffee, movies, music, etc. - but not necessarily loving our neighbors and enemies.
Out of Control Emotions
What I am beginning to see then is that we have a cultural belief that actions can be controlled, but emotions not. This would be like saying that it was acceptable to hate your mother-in-law as long as you don’t act on it. Yet, as Christians, we know that would be the equivalent of murdering in our hearts, as Jesus describes in Matthew 5:21-22.
Self-control: Thoughts of self-doubt
This is not just about consequences, but the self-doubt that comes when we end up where we did not expect, when we feel like one of our weaknesses has caused us to lay a trap and then we lead ourselves right into it. This kind of self-doubt can quickly get out of control.
30 Days of Giving Thanks
Free download of 30 prompts to give thanks to God in the month of November, or any month.
Struggling with Self-control
We struggle with only some of the things and people out of our control and we do just fine with others. We have surrendered some of our desires for control and held on to others. But what is under my control is only me.
When Others Question our Authority
A look at Moses and Jesus.
When we know God, it is easier to let the challenges roll off, it is easier to stand confidently and listen to others, show that people matter. It is easier to be humble.
Jesus Never Controlled Anyone
Jesus could have come and quietly pinched the right nerve, getting rid of all those pesky Pharisees and keeping only the good ones around. Where would Nicodemus have fallen on the scale? Keep or pinch away? That would have been control. And that is not at all what Jesus came to do.
When Others Assert Control: Parable of the two sons
When someone asserts control where they should not tread, my internal response … well, let’s say it isn’t very Christ-like by impulse.
Christ, Control and the Craziness of Life
Yes, Jesus lived a crazy life. Imagine it: crowds followed him wherever he went, people were always asking him for things, he rarely slept in the same place for more than a few days at a time, he had an impulsive and competitive group of friends. Yes, He does indeed identify with crazy life. So how did he handle it?
He is Able
God heals in the Old Testament. He heals in the New Testament. He heals through prophets, he heals through Jesus, he heals through the apostles. He heals.
Where is our focus?
So, I’ve got to remember that He is faithful, I’ve got to keep my eye on Him for my needs, including my pain, my discomfort, my list of things to be done.