Struggle to Trust: In poor health
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ together with the Comforter are the answers to our wavering trust in God when we or our loved ones are in poor health.

Patience for God’s Handiwork
It is not time that heals all things, but our Lord who works in the waiting.
One fish, two fish, bread loaves multiply – Mark 6:30-44
Healing, feeding, fellowship and lavish love in the story of two fish and five loaves that multiply
Yahweh-Rapha, Healer - Exodus 15:26
We cry out to Him all the time for healing of our friends, for ourselves, when the pain is upon us, when we see suffering and hurt in those we love particularly. Yet we know that it does not always happen that way, we are not all immediately and fully healed.
I will be healed - Jeremiah 17:14
‘A lie told often enough becomes the truth,’ as they say.