Break the Hurry Habit
The gentle whisper of the Lord can only be heard when we have taken the time to be still and rest in His presence.
Urgent or Important, God First
There was little hurry in everyday life of the Bible. Somehow, we have made hurry the way to do things all the time. God orders our day: him first… and all else falls into place.
At the End of my Rope: Find Rest in Him
When we are empty of ourselves, then Jesus can fill us up. At the end of our rope, there we find Jesus.
Doing things well
That I must relinquish my hurry and choose to set aside my hurry to pick up God’s priority of doing things well.
Gift of Rest(oration)
We all know the creation story: light, sky, land with vegetation, sun and stars, sea and air animals, land animals and man, rest. God could have stopped at day 6, said it was good, and then continued on with the rest of the story. But he chose to rest. We all need rest.
Increase Trust in the Lord – Part 2
Knowing Him personally and not just knowing His character takes more interaction, namely prayer and fellowship.
Increase Trust in the Lord – Part 1
We can increase trust in God, recalling who He is and what He has done are good places to start.
Struggle to Trust: Times of change
Stepping into a situation is different from planning for it or having it thrown at you. But God is not surprised by where you are today.
Struggle to Trust: In financial woes
Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that financial trust struggles are different at the root than any other specific struggles we have looked at. We can trust God in financial struggles. He understands.
Struggle to Trust: In poor health
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ together with the Comforter are the answers to our wavering trust in God when we or our loved ones are in poor health.
Struggle to Trust: I won’t get what I want
I agree, there are no guarantees that we get what we want. Instead, the promise that we have is that we will get what is good. God gives good gifts.
Struggle to Trust: Waiting on God
The trust struggle when we wait on God can be brutal. Four things we can do as we wait on Him with free poster reminder download.
The Struggle to Trust God
What if our faith grows into a mustard tree? Imagine what that kind of faith can do! Trusting God will grow us from seed to a full tree.
Trust God or Trust Man?
If we do not trust God, we are left with poor substitutes: trust in myself or trust in someone else.
God’s Plan for Me is Good
Do we believe that His plans are to prosper us and give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)? That is trusting God.