BRAVE: New Ways to Connect by Hearing, Saying, Seeing
From testimonies to music to famous people, Brave is everywhere, even inside us.

BRAVE in the Bible: Joshua
Joshua is a biblical example of courage or bravery, as my Word of the Year.

Spiritual Practice: Giving
The the key to giving is the heart decides what to give, when, how much. It isn’t the church, the Joneses, or anyone else who decides what we need to give.

Spiritual Practices Intro
An introduction to spiritual practices or disciplines along with a definition.

Brave: Word of the year 2024
Brave - what can we gain by a year of bravery? word of the year introduction

Emotions as Gauge and Not Guide
We need to understand our emotions and control them, using them as a gauge and not a guide. They can offer an understanding of how we are feeling and how to process what is going on in our lives, but they cannot be used to drive our actions.

Proud or Confident: do both lead to the fall?
A healthy confidence or pride… what the Bible says the antidote to pride is.

Living in the present when everything seems to be in the future
The last few months have been a push and then wait kind of time. Here I am, in the present and content to let the incomplete be incomplete. I am content to trust him and I know God’s got this.

Longing, glorify god in it
Our longings can glorify God or they can draw us into sin. Being your longings to Him and he will be glorified. He fulfills our greatest longing.

Present – Cosmology seems to agree with Christianity
Looking outside my personal experience of the word ‘present’, we checked the Bible and now we can check physical science - relativity and cosmology.

God has feelings and desires
God is love and in his infinite love, he created us in his image. Part of that is to live with emotion and God experiences emotion along with us.

Sensory Challenge for Present (Word of the Year 2023)
Sensory challenge - how can you experience 'present' by sight, sound, and touch? God makes us a gift by his ever-working Spirit.

Our Experiences – What a Gift!
The gifts we receive from Christ in the time and place where we are are enormous!

Emotions: controlled or bottled up?
How do we control our emotions biblically? What do our emotions tell us? A guide from the psalms.

Present – a gift and/or now existing
Living in the now has indeed been a present to me. It has kept me from worrying or making lists and being concerned about things that have been too far away in time to do anything about.