Living in the present when everything seems to be in the future
The last few months have been a push and then wait kind of time. Here I am, in the present and content to let the incomplete be incomplete. I am content to trust him and I know God’s got this.
Longing, glorify god in it
Our longings can glorify God or they can draw us into sin. Being your longings to Him and he will be glorified. He fulfills our greatest longing.
Present – Cosmology seems to agree with Christianity
Looking outside my personal experience of the word ‘present’, we checked the Bible and now we can check physical science - relativity and cosmology.
God has feelings and desires
God is love and in his infinite love, he created us in his image. Part of that is to live with emotion and God experiences emotion along with us.
Sensory Challenge for Present (Word of the Year 2023)
Sensory challenge - how can you experience 'present' by sight, sound, and touch? God makes us a gift by his ever-working Spirit.
Our Experiences – What a Gift!
The gifts we receive from Christ in the time and place where we are are enormous!
Emotions: controlled or bottled up?
How do we control our emotions biblically? What do our emotions tell us? A guide from the psalms.
Present – a gift and/or now existing
Living in the now has indeed been a present to me. It has kept me from worrying or making lists and being concerned about things that have been too far away in time to do anything about.
Is anger a sin or not?
Is anger a sin? But God experiences anger, so how could it be sin? It isn’t. We need to experience anger to understand our emotions and deal with them maturely.
Present Poetry
Praise the Lord! For he is with us always. Our God is good and showers us with good gifts.
Biblical Joy and Happiness
Joy comes from God. It is in his presence, the relationship that draws us into obedience, and the worship we offer him for who he is that lifts us up when we are in difficulty. The Lord draws us nearer to him in these ways, giving us cause to find joy in all circumstances.
Present: The Gift of Grace, More than Salvation
The present that we receive when we grasp grace of salvation does so much more than saving. That grace works in us to grow us into the Christlike character that builds others up and gifts others with the Godliness that he has bestowed upon us.
What does the Bible say about fear and Fearing the Lord?
God is worthy of all honor and glory, this is the awe that ‘fear of the Lord’ is referencing. We revere the Lord; we call him valuable and precious. Considering the parable from Matthew, we can see how the ‘fear of the Lord’ also drives out all fear.
Present in the Chaos
Present has been about shutting out the noise and being there. The noise and busy-ness could easily set my schedule if I don’t make the choice to do what I do. God is of order.
Envy – How I’m dealing with it biblically
Of itself, jealousy or envy are signals that we need to understand what is going on and how God would remind us to address it. They are just signals, not sin. They can become sinful when we dwell on them, and they begin to encompass discontentment and bitterness sets in.