Why Christ Came: to give us abundant life
He came that we might have life to the full.
Why did Jesus come?
That we may have abundant life. He has come to so that we may fully understand and come to be the full person that he designed us to be. He wants us to live without measure, life abundantly overflowing. If we are in the midst of measuring every breath, of seeking the next cup of coffee, of rubbing our eyes and our heads and wondering when bedtime will come, then we are not living in this full life that he has come to give us.
The life he has come to give us is not a life of ease and never having a headache or being fed up with whoever and whatever. Far from it, in fact. We will have these frustrations, but the life that is within us is of a quality or type that all these daily things do not touch the core of who we are and Him who we represent. It is a life of security in Him of who we are. He is the one who touches that inner core and makes us into the person he designed us to be. So, when we are rubbing our eyes and heads and when we are counting to ten so we don’t lose it, that is when we take a deep breath and call out ‘Jesus, come.’ He is the one we turn to, not our own strength, but his life will lead us. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus said ‘I have come that they [those who come to me] may have life, and have it to the full.’ When life is no longer oozing the quality of Christ, we need only turn to him for a refill of His sustaining life. And it will fill us in a moment.
He came to give us abundant life; that’s why Christ came.
just ask for a refill of His sustaining life.png