Emotions as Gauge and Not Guide
We need to understand our emotions and control them, using them as a gauge and not a guide. They can offer an understanding of how we are feeling and how to process what is going on in our lives, but they cannot be used to drive our actions.

Proud or Confident: do both lead to the fall?
A healthy confidence or pride… what the Bible says the antidote to pride is.

Longing, glorify god in it
Our longings can glorify God or they can draw us into sin. Being your longings to Him and he will be glorified. He fulfills our greatest longing.

God has feelings and desires
God is love and in his infinite love, he created us in his image. Part of that is to live with emotion and God experiences emotion along with us.

Emotions: controlled or bottled up?
How do we control our emotions biblically? What do our emotions tell us? A guide from the psalms.

Biblical Joy and Happiness
Joy comes from God. It is in his presence, the relationship that draws us into obedience, and the worship we offer him for who he is that lifts us up when we are in difficulty. The Lord draws us nearer to him in these ways, giving us cause to find joy in all circumstances.

What does the Bible say about fear and Fearing the Lord?
God is worthy of all honor and glory, this is the awe that ‘fear of the Lord’ is referencing. We revere the Lord; we call him valuable and precious. Considering the parable from Matthew, we can see how the ‘fear of the Lord’ also drives out all fear.

Envy – How I’m dealing with it biblically
Of itself, jealousy or envy are signals that we need to understand what is going on and how God would remind us to address it. They are just signals, not sin. They can become sinful when we dwell on them, and they begin to encompass discontentment and bitterness sets in.

How to deal with regret biblically: 3 steps
Dealing with regret isn’t easy, but God can redeem them. We can regain possession of the losses or gain something greater for our disappointments by trusting in God to make the old new.