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Location is Superfluous - We encounter God in the ordinary

When I think of a retreat, as I’ve described a number of times over the last couple of weeks, I always think about where I would hold a retreat. Something for myself, for an hour, I can do just about anywhere. Something longer, like three-hours I would consider where I could go and not be interrupted. A park, my bedroom, the beach, any number of places work because it is just me. A larger organized retreat requires more planning. But I keep hearing God turn me back to the need for an encounter with Him to rest. If my current purpose for a retreat is to rest, then I just need an encounter with Him. That is it, all I need is an encounter with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. But I have to take away the superfluous and remember who this is, because I don’t need an appointment with this King.

He shows up anywhere

Moses had his burning bush encounter (Exodus 3) while he was going about his daily activities. He was herding sheep when God showed up. Elijah was stuck in a mountain cave when God came in the whisper of wind (1 Kings 19), he was withdrawn and hiding, but God found him anyway. Gideon was threshing wheat (Judges 6) when God showed up. Levi was sitting at the tax booth (Mark 2) when Jesus came to him and called him.

God shows up in the ordinary, everyday things we do. He shows up when we are on our commute. He shows up when we are washing the dishes or cleaning the floors. He shows up when we are picking up the dry cleaning. He shows up when we are mucking the stalls in the barn. He shows up when we are repairing our shoes. He shows up when we are going about our everyday. Because He was already here, he is here accompanying us.

God is with us

The Trinity, all three beings of three-in-one God, is with us already. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). Christ lives in me (Gal 2:20). We are clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:27). The Father has made a home with us (John 14:23) and the Holy Spirit has been sent to us (John 14:26). We need not seek Him out in some other place. We can ‘find’ Him when we look because He has chosen to be a part of our lives. The verse above says we are clothed with Christ – he is as close as the clothing resting upon our skin. Why do we seek to make something special of ‘getting away’ when we need only turn to Him?

God is in the ordinary

God is in the ordinary and yet we seek a mountain top or a beautiful retreat center to refresh. He is life, the Almighty gives life (Job 33:4). If that is what we need, He freely gives people life and breath (Acts 17:25). When we are exhausted, seeking rest and hurrying about our day, He is the one, the fountain of life (Psalm 36:9). He will refresh us daily in our ordinary activities. In going about our day, by including Him in these ordinary things, we acknowledge His presence and invite His participation. And His participation is always infused with life; it is who He is. We will never walk away from an encounter with the One True God feeling other than full of life.