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Gifts for the Senses

I think savoring the world around us is a way to rest. We stop the drive to move forward and we marvel at the wonder of the earth around us. Whether that be the natural, created world or something that we have put together for enjoyment, it is all inspired by God. The first and founding Creator has made us to be like Him, and appreciating His creation or man’s creation, savoring the moments, is a rest. Do you feel revived when you smell a rose? Or when you hear the giggle of a child? When you spend time in a museum?

Engage the Senses

I want to engage my senses more deliberately. I want to appreciate the leaves the trees, the scent of roasting chicken, the patter on my back as I walk in the rain. I gave my husband an array of gifts for Christmas a few years ago. It was fun to consider actively engaging the sense, making it a choice. You can do this too for any age and any occasion. Even for yourself! If you are thinking of using this idea for kids, you could make it into a hide-and-seek game.

Smell: For the sense of smell, it would be good to know if the gift-receiver likes certain things. For example, roses give me migraines, so my husband would never get those for me (again 😊). Suggestions: peppermint candies, a scented candle, scratch-n-sniff stickers, essential oils or incense, flowers, perfume.

Hear: For hearing it is also a benefit to know what someone likes, but there are plenty of things anyone would enjoy! Suggestion: wind chimes, bell, noise making key ring, music from favorite artist, a new instrument.

Taste: We are getting to the easier one to buy gifts for anyone! Suggestions: chocolate, lollipop, tea or chai, coffee, cupcake or bagel, honey.

See: This one might require a bit more creativity, but there are still so many things to gift. Suggestions: decorative string lights, paint set, a painting or favorite photo, hand-drawn card, daisies.

Touch: Nothing is better than a hug, but if the receiver is at a distance, that won’t work. Suggestions: puzzle, soft toy, playdough, sweater or scarf, slime or silly putty, stress ball. 

The extravagance of engaging the senses even shows up in the Gospels. In the story recounted in Matthew 26:6-13, the disciples found the anointing of Jesus’s feet with perfume to be a waste of good money. But Jesus honored the woman and ensured her story would be repeated. Honoring Him is worth taking a moment. Savoring His creation through our senses also glorifies Him.

We have a choice to make as we hurry through our day. I want to be deliberate in the choice I have, the choice of either ignoring the people and the world around us or embracing the moment, savoring it.