Delight in God as He delights in you
Sarah Howley Sarah Howley

Delight in God as He delights in you

Delight is found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We can affirm, God delights in his people. He delights in our obedience and calls on us to delight in him and his law.

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How biblical genre guides understanding of the Bible
bible study Sarah Howley bible study Sarah Howley

How biblical genre guides understanding of the Bible

Genre can help us understand what the scripture reveals about God and how to read that type of book. Reading a historical account, like the encounter of David and Abigail, is different from reading Psalm 42. By using genre to understand what we are reading, we have another tool to interpret it well.

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Biblical Joy and Happiness
spiritual growth Sarah Howley spiritual growth Sarah Howley

Biblical Joy and Happiness

Joy comes from God. It is in his presence, the relationship that draws us into obedience, and the worship we offer him for who he is that lifts us up when we are in difficulty. The Lord draws us nearer to him in these ways, giving us cause to find joy in all circumstances.

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