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Session 7: Luke Chapters 13-14 Citizens of the Kingdom (Part 2)

Session 7: Luke Chapters 13-14 Citizens of the Kingdom

This 12-session study looks at the heart of Jesus for all people, as seen in the book of Luke. It is in Luke’s gospel that we see the breadth of Jesus’ ministry to reach all people, to bring all into his arms and show them his heart for them personally. Since Christ and the Father are one (John 10:30), Luke provides the opportunity to see for ourselves how God interacts with his beloved, how he showers his beloved with goodness and mercy all of our days (Ps 23:6). And the good news is that you are his beloved! He delights in you (Zeph 3:17)!

This post is the second part of session seven of the study, with each session opening with warm-up introductory questions, going on to a reading from Luke and questions related to the passage. Then the study goes to the comparative or referenced Old Testament passages found in the assigned reading with accompanying questions. Each study session ends with considerations for personal application. The study is appropriate for individual or small group application. Feel free to share the response to an application question or just comment on the study itself below.

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Luke 14:12-14 instructs us to give to the poor and not be repaid. Nehemiah 8:2-12 gives more details. Read the passage in Nehemiah and note the motivation(s) for sharing with the poor.

Describe the blessings of those who eat at the ‘feast in the kingdom of God’ (Luke 14:15) as they are noted in Isaiah 25:1-8.

Levi is blessed by Moses in Deuteronomy 33:9 because he carried out the teaching of Luke 14:26. How does the example in Deuteronomy assist in understanding the teaching to ‘hate’ family?

Joshua also gave instruction to the Israelites to consider the cost of following God. Read Joshua 24:14-21 and compare the costs to Luke 14:28-33.


Luke 14:25-33 describe the expense and danger of following Christ. What have you found are the blessings and benefits of following Christ?

As described in these chapters, following Christ is not easy. We are constantly challenged and our character spills over into our actions. Think on the work God has asked you to do since you became his follower. How might Jesus have replied to your response? If you have given excuses, arrived late, or worked without enthusiasm, seek repentance and ask if there is other work for you to do.