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Know my Purpose in Life

Last week we discussed the reasons we were made, that God made us to glorify Him and spread His Good News. I have to admit that having such broad and sweeping purposes for creation is a bit intimidating. How do I even get started?

Individual Purpose for God

We know that he made us to do these things, but our expression of them is how we can define our purpose. On Friday, we had a short discussion of Lydia from Acts 16. She was a warm and welcoming person, even when those she hosted were rabble-rousers like Paul. She had a staff and thriving business, so likely a general disposition of being warm and welcoming as well. We presented the idea that perhaps her purpose was to show God’s love and the rest found in him through welcoming others and essentially offering hospitality. I can imagine being greeted with a cup of tea and a little cake or some crackers if I popped in to see her.

Variety of Purpose

So, by considering the things we enjoy and the gifts or talents we have, we can narrow down some common ideas on what God has made us individually to carry out for him. Lydia reflects the love of God through hospitality.

Rahab is an oft-remembered woman in the Bible, as she saved the Jewish spies from certain death. But one action is not what her purpose is. In fact her purpose is never disclosed, but she appears again in the genealogy of Jesus found in Matthew 1:5. She may have lived a life wondering what she was on earth for - one act or more? She may have had a purpose to love her children and raise them to love God. Whatever her purpose, it has significance.

There is also Joanna who is mentioned in Luke 8 and 24 who seems to be a financial support to Jesus and the disciples. That too is not her purpose, but perhaps the support that she gives to the other followers is significant, perhaps she was an encourager of others, and not just a ‘money bag’. It’s too bad we know so little of her. There is an endless variety of God-given purpose, one for each of his creation.

Know your Purpose

It may take some time and assistance from others, but purpose is not something that God has left among the mysteries. He wants us to know why he has created us. Start with asking him to show you and then asking him how you can do this more often. We know only of Lydia’s hospitality toward Paul and his team, but I think it was something she did frequently, and perhaps was the first to volunteer her home as a meeting place. There will be opportunities for us to live out our purpose once we have identified it, we need only look and ask God how to do more to live what He designed.

What is your purpose? Share below or contact us by email!