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Jesus Will Return - Mark Chapter 13

Day 16 – Mark Chapter 13

Promise: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. –Deut. 31:8

Even when God feels far away, we have the assurance that he is not. It is only our minds or emotions that imagine the distance. He will never leave you. What assurance and comfort! When have you felt far from God? As you look back, note the evidence of his presence despite feeling distant.

Read Chapter 13.

The chapter opens with a disciple’s observation of the temple and Jesus’ response is a prophecy that happened just 40 years later. Knowing that it has come true, how does this impact our reading of the rest of the chapter?

Jesus then describes a progression of events that indicate the end times and issues warnings to his followers. The following are basic headings of the events Jesus described. Jot down a general description of what will happen according to the indicated verses as well as the warning Jesus gives.

Deception (vv. 5-6)

Signs (vv. 7-8)

Persecution (vv. 9-13)

Abomination (vv. 14-18)

Days of Distress (vv. 19-20)

Second Coming (vv. 21-27)

Much of the prophecy in this chapter is painful to imagine. However, we are given some encouragement throughout. Note down at least three points which you find heartening in this chapter.

In verse 28, Jesus offers the lesson of the fig tree.  Summarize this lesson.

A short parable is recounted in verses 34-37 about a man going away. How does an apparently absent landlord relate to a worker’s character and faith?

Application: What can believers do to be ready and keep watch, as admonished so many times in these verses?

Verse 34 says each servant has ‘their assigned task’. What is that task for you? Are you carrying it out? Take time to seek your purpose from God if you are unsure of this.