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God Speaks to the Heart of Anna: Luke 2:36-38

Anna must have been a devout woman. We are given her succinct biography; she is a widow and has been for much of her life. She lived at the temple day and night and fasted and prayed. If it had been the first time that God has spoken to her, I think we would have a different story. The lines would be filled with awe and wonder perhaps rather than the praise and worship that we see.

Hearing God

Anna praised God and told everyone of this child. Oh, I wish had that experience with God! I would love to hear his word in my heart (not only read it with my eyes) and take it on trust, going forth to bless others with the news of the Lord. I don’t have this experience with God. But Anna was a normal woman, the daughter of Phanuel and from the tribe of Asher. She was like any of us, living a life of struggle and leaning on God. There was nothing special about her, but there was something special in her choices.

Anna’s choice

Anna chose to adore and praise the Lord no matter her circumstances. Her short bio tells us this. She was widowed after seven years and there is an implication that she had no children who were taking care of her. She was alone. Yet she had everything that a person could want- she was with the Lord every day. Jesus came to show us He was here every day, he is with us. Anna lived that out already, but so many missed the personal and instead clung to the laws. Anna shows me to cling to my relationship with God in all circumstances and let go of the laws. The laws lead me only judgment or condemnation of others as well as myself, they do not lead me to freedom.

In relationship with God

Anna was blessed in her relationship with God. She was cared for in His temple and recognized the Lord’s word to her about who this long-awaited visitor was. Anna’s choices brought her to recognize the voice of God and to live fully in Him, that is the experience I want to cultivate.