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Death of Our King - Mark Chapter 15

Day 18 – Mark Chapter 15

Promise: But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deut. 4:29

The promise that God will be found is such joy! He has made himself available if we seek him. Consider times when you may have sought solutions in your own strength and how his presence changed your circumstances when you sought him. Share those changes to your situation.

Read chapter 15.

The chapter opens with Jesus bound up and brought before Pilate by the chief priests, elders, and teachers of the law. What does Pilate call Jesus during the accusation and ‘trial’?

Verses 16-20 describe how the whole company of soldiers mocked Jesus. What symbols of a king were used in the undertaking?

Verse 23 says that Jesus refused the wine mixed with myrrh, though it was said to have numbing properties. Why would Jesus refuse this relief?

The sign over Jesus’ head read the charge, ‘King of the Jews’ (v. 26). How was the cross like the banner going into battle?

Many hurled insults at Jesus, including the taunt to come down and ‘save himself’ (vv. 27-32). Describe the irony of this for Jesus.

Darkness descended at noon for three hours during the crucifixion of Christ. Consider verse 27-41 and describe what the scene might have looked like and felt like for the women who watched from a distance (vv. 40-41).

The curtain, torn from top to bottom upon Jesus’s death, is said to represent the passing of the old and the establishment of the new. Describe this change.

The centurion who stood watch was apparently impressed with Jesus in the end. What had he seen that may have made him exclaim as he did in verse 39?

Joseph, a rich member of the Sanhedrin, asked Pilate for Jesus’s body. Why wouldn’t Pilate take Joseph at his word that Jesus had already died?

Joseph is described as ‘waiting for the kingdom of God’ (v. 43), just as we are. What did he do that we can use as an example of how to wait for the kingdom?

Application: Jesus only responds to the interrogation questions about his identity, who he is. How does who he is define your own identity?