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Challenges of Faith - Mark Chapter 10

Day 12 – Mark Chapter 10

Promise: Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life. -Proverbs 22:4

Humility today is not always a highly viewed trait. Instead of seeing the characteristic as lowly and needy before God, it is often considered lowly or needy before man. This tends to alter our view of how positive this trait is, which considers our state of needing God more than all else. List people who may fall under the category of humble, include those you know as well as famous people. What makes them remarkable in their humility and how are they regarded by the world?

Read Chapter 10.

How do verses 3 and 4 show how God handles real people and real-life messes?

Jesus says that divorce was permitted because ’your hearts were hard’ (v. 5). What is hardness of heart and how does it form?

Jesus again addresses children, despite the disciples trying to send them away. What characteristics of children might Jesus have been referring to when he speaks of entering the kingdom of God ‘like a little child’ (v. 15)?

What posture does the rich man take as he approaches Jesus in verse 17? How does the man see himself, as noted in verse 20? Do you think the man’s posture reflects his true character as Jesus sees it?

Do you think that the man must sell all his possessions to inherit eternal life? Why or why not?

‘All things are possible with God,’ says verse 27. Which ‘things’ are specifically referred to, given the surrounding passage?

Jesus says that those who have left much will also receive much in the present age and in the age to come. How do we reconcile persecutions as a part of the reward for giving up so much?

When Jesus predicts his death a third time in three chapters, he tells only the twelve (v. 32). Why might it be that Jesus has chosen to tell only the disciples what is to happen?

Jesus sets out a contrast in verses 42 and 43-45. Which characteristics seem so undesirable by Jesus? And which so desired? What other desired characteristics are given in the rest of this passage (v. 35-45)?

The question in verse 51, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’, may seem to have an obvious answer: restore my sight. Then why would Jesus ask?

Application: What would you have Jesus do for you? Share what the ‘obvious’ answer might be as well as the one that burns in your heart (if they are different).