I have been called upon to be BRAVE about many things this year. God knew what he was doing when he pushed me toward this word. I’m not sure if it preparation he’s doing, it seems more like awareness. He wants me aware of the bravery that is in me – knowing that he is with me. Everything else pales knowing he is here.

In an effort to engage with our word of the year (mine is BRAVE), LisaNotes has encouraged us to use our senses with our word.

I’m not sure how this will work out, but already I’m seeing things a bit differently about this word BRAVE. I will share a summary of her instructions and then reply with my thoughts.

1. **TOUCH IT** How can you physically touch/feel BRAVE?

Brave is maybe a bit prickly but not too much and is a hard surface. I imagine it being large as well. We have to pluck up enough courage to use the word Brave, so it seems big to me.

2. **TASTE IT** Can you find a taste that embodies BRAVE?

I think it is like lemonade – a little tart but sweet. It is refreshing and you’re jazzed when it is over. You did something unexpected, so you are jazzed to when Brave finishes.

3. **LIGHT IT** How does BRAVE interact with light?

I find brave to be dark with a light shining “on the other side” of whatever we need the bravery for. It casts long shadows that distort things in our minds eye. Yet it never hides anything completely.


As I consider other senses, I’m glad she didn’t ask about smell! What does BRAVE smell like to you? That one I have to ponder. But do share what you think it smells like in the comments, if you’d like!

Brave because God is with me

Fellowship Bible Reading Plan


Spiritual Practices: Celebration