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30 Days of Giving Thanks 2021

Can you believe that it is already the end of October? At the risk of repeating myself, I can’t believe how quickly 2021 is going. I was caught saying something similar to ‘this year, 2020’ the other day too!

The fall has traditionally been a time to focus on giving thanks, especially in North America. With Canada and USA celebrating thanksgiving days during the season, it seems like a healthy reminder to us as Christians as well.

We are generally familiar with Paul’s exhortation to ‘give thanks in all circumstances’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18), but there are at least 20 times in the Psalms where we are also exhorted to give thanks. The most repeated is Psalm 136, where we read, ‘Give thanks… For his love endures forever.’ Surely if for no other reason, we have that one: His love endures forever.

With so many examples in the Psalms, I thought looking them for inspiration to give thanks would be helpful. Every psalm has something that we can be thankful for. But in this calendar for 30 days of giving thanks, I was struck over and over by God himself and all that we have to be thankful for about his character and all he does for us and the good gifts he lavishes on us. So, we have a list of exaltation of our Lord and King for a month of thanks in 2021. We thank him for everything from his help and counsel to his unfailing love and plan for salvation.

I hope you will join me through the month of November, offering our thanks to God for all he is and all he has done for us, his beloved in whom he delights.

For a free pdf download of 30 prompts for thanksgiving, please join our subscribers and you’ll have immediate access to the files.

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