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Waiting for Compassion - Mark Chapter 5

Day 6 – Chapter 5

Promise: Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore, he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18

We often long for solutions to our issues, health or relationships that need the Lord’s touch. Waiting for the Lord’s compassion in these struggles is perhaps one of the most difficult parts of the Christian walk. Yet, we are encouraged in the waiting by knowing that it blesses us. Describe the blessings you have received in waiting for his compassion.

Read Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 reveals three miracles of Jesus. Consider the situation of each of the main people involved both before and after his encounter with them. Imagine the scenes and situations of each and complete the following chart.

In the confrontation with Legion, what strategies does the enemy employ?

In Verse 19, Jesus says to the freed man to go and tell how the Lord ‘has had mercy’ on him. How was mercy carried out here?

Note the responses of the observers in the three stories, as noted in verses 15-17, 24 and 40-42. Consider the responses in relation to the chart you made above. Do you see any connections or explanations for people’s behavior?

Faith and fear are both mentioned in the account of the sick woman and the synagogue leader. Describe the fear and the faith, or belief. How are fear and faith related to each other in the two accounts?

Jesus gave instructions to the girl’s parents to feed her (v 43). Why might Jesus have given these instructions?

Application: Jesus and the disciples performed many miracles in his three-year ministry. How would you imagine people to respond to such miracles today? Share any miracles that you have experienced.