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Seeking Peace in 2020

Happy New Year!

This idea of peace just won’t leave me alone. It continues to come to mind. There was the traditional week of peace in advent, there are the verses and the Prince of Peace whose birthday celebration has just passed (ya know, 25 Dec!). The concept could be wrapped up neatly by defining it as the absence of war. But that it all too simplified and just not true. Much comes before war which is not peace: unrest, fear, arming, offense, anger, and we can go on and on.

Biblical Peace

And then when I ponder Biblical peace, there are many aspects of it. Firstly, peace with God. Then peace with others. Many stop there, but I think after we have established these two, there are two still more important aspects of peace that must be considered: internal peace, peace with others and peacemaking.

Biblical peace should also include that internal peace: the peace of God which rests upon us and within us. This peace is a host of things within us that may also war against our personal peace: forgiveness, trust, busyness, self-esteem, decisions, broken relations, fear, our past and so much more. During that journey and then once established, we must also take up the mantle and make peace with others and even extend peace to others: become peacemakers, peace demonstrators, peace advocates.

Now that this topic has come out, it seems that there are so many related concepts that we can look at. I have lists of them! And still as I write, there are more nuances that come to mind. I hope to settle these thoughts into coherent units of study and consideration, focusing not only on Bible stories and verses, but also and the people we learn of and relate to in those stories. Each month, we will study something new about Biblical peace and people who demonstrate it.

I anticipate that there will be many things that touch me and force growth. It will likely hurt but I wouldn’t have any other way.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Get in Touch

Is there anything in particular that you struggle with? Send an email or comment below and let me know what you would like to address this year as we Seek Peace.