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Present in the Chaos

As I have tried to embrace the Word of the Year, PRESENT, I have told people what it is and that I am looking out for it, trying to identify it. By far, the response has been something along the lines of ‘life is so chaotic, being present is more important than ever.’

Being present this month has been about deliberately setting aside other things and focusing on only one.

Being present has been about making choices based on priority, not desire or ease of the activity.

Gaining Order

Present has been about shutting out the noise and being there. The noise and busy-ness could easily set my schedule if I don’t make the choice to do what I do.

If I am to have order in my life, I need to know what is getting my attention and why. Then I need to evaluate if it should get my attention and how much. My evaluation is guided by Ephesians 5:15-17, ‘Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.’

As his child, my evaluation has to be based on God’s glory. Am I doing what God would have me do? Have I sought the Lord to know his will and the desires he has placed in my heart? These are not always easy questions to answer.

Like any prioritizing, we may spend time annually or quarterly to ask the Lord what he would have us do. From there, we can set out more concrete objectives. We know then when and what things can be set aside if something ‘comes up.’ When we know the big priorities, we can sort through the daily.

I find that I have the big objectives, but I haven’t properly mapped out the steps to get there. I know what they are, but haven’t set them out in order. It motivated me to get a separate calendar from the one I use for all the meetings and ‘stuff’. I needed another place to plan the work that I am doing for God, the work that he has called me to do.

I have noted that I was fitting in this work of writing around the other things. Now, I see that I need to fit that stuff around the work of glorifying God through writing. Yes, he has also called me to be wife, disciple committee member, women’s ministry member, and manager of domestic affairs (responsible for the house, meals, etc.) – that is already on the calendar. My priority needs to be this work.

Self-discipline of the mind

In addition to understanding that my priorities were not straight, I have noticed that my mind is too easily distracted to call myself ‘present.’ As 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, ‘For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.’ If God is not of disorder, our God is of order. When I consider this, God is of order, I have to wonder how my mind and thoughts are of God – because I have random thoughts and distractions so often, too often! So, I see too that I must order my thoughts and it requires great amounts of self-discipline.

The importance of self-discipline cannot be overstated. Proverbs 25:28 equates the lack of it with broken down city walls, ‘Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.’ We all may immediately consider that city walls were for protection, and they were. But they were also a way to keep out the unsavory, store provisions for difficult times, provide safety in times of threat, and even control trade. When I consider my mind the seat of these, it is clear how I must use self-discipline.

Self-discipline in my mind will keep out the unsavory thoughts and the enemy arrows. Self-discipline will help me store the word of the Lord for provision in time of threat, and it will help me control what goes out and what comes in.

For some reason, my mind considered a full balloon. Once the wall has been breached, the balloon no longer serves its purpose. If the balloon is a water balloon or a hot air balloon, either is useless if it has broken down barriers. The good has gone out and the bad has come in. And all is lost. I need self-control of the mind.

In the Present

I find it easy when the doctor says I must or must not do something, so I am quite capable of self-discipline. That gives me hope. I believe I mentioned that I have a timer that helps me say ‘no’ to distractions for limited amounts of time. I think this needs to be more intentional. I would like to try scheduling my day, where I usually just have a general idea of what I will do and what the deadline is. I want to be present for things that are priorities, but I don’t think that was what I was doing.

For example, I usually just intend to write an article on Monday for posting on Wednesday and that leaves me some wiggle room and time to do the images and such. However, that leaves a whole day for this activity, when really it generally doesn’t take that long (sometimes it does), and if I have other things planned, then I may actually get more done! Which is what I think I need to do when I set writing as my priority and clear focus for the present.

Ordering things and self-discipline have, and I believe will, help me be more present and effective in the God-ordained priorities. Present in the chaos, I think I have been creating my own chaos by not being intentional in priorities!