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One who Believes - Mark Chapter 9

Day 11- Mark Chapter 9

Promise: You who fear him, trust in the Lord—he is their help and shield. -Psalm 115:11

Believe in the Lord for he is your help and shield, what a grand promise! What help do you need today? What do you need shielding from? Share and pray that he manifest the help and shield for you.

Read Chapter 9.

The transfiguration of Christ appearing with Elijah and Moses causes Peter to cry out that it would be good to build tents for each of the three. With Moses representing the law and Elijah representing the prophets, what would three tents indicate of their importance? Do you agree with this representation of status or not? Why/why not?

The transfiguration only took place once and was observed by only three of the disciples. The disciples were not encouraged to remain and build tents as Peter had requested. What does this say of the special ‘mountain top experiences’ compared to everyday experiences with God?

In the account of the healing of the boy with an impure spirit, belief is mentioned several times. How does Jesus emphasize belief in the passage?

As much as belief is highlighted, Jesus ends with saying that it is prayer that is required, not belief, to cast out the demon. This statement seems to connect prayer and belief. How could they be connected?

Consider verse 31. What three things does Jesus say will happen and by whom? Compare to Mark 8:31. Describe how the disciple’s reaction has changed.

In verses 33-37, Jesus explains the order of precedence of the Kingdom of God. Describe who takes precedence and how children fit into the structure of the Kingdom.

The discussion of causing to stumble and maiming rather than sinning completes the chapter. What does this teaching say of reflecting on our own sin?

Application: The disciples describe someone who is ‘on their side’ but not with them in verses 38-40; Christ however finds them acceptable. How does your church view those who profess for Christ but are not of your denomination?