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Foundations of Christian Life, Part 3 (Lessons from Paul) – 1&2 Thessalonians

Living in Community

Paul’s letters also have some relevant instructions for the believers who assemble together, doing ‘church’. The community of believers have responsibilities one toward another which Paul slips in across the two letters but are not to be missed. Not to harp, but he does speak again of love and interacting with others as well as of doing good, and the Holy Spirit.

Loving Well

Paul actually says that the Thessalonians have been taught by God to love each other well (1 Thess 4:9). What a thought. God has taught us this love, and we do not need the greats like Paul to show us how to do it. The Bible is a love story of God pursuing man. He is our lover and he never gives up. He was present himself in the garden, he sent envoys like Moses and prophets to bring us back to him. He finally sent his own son to convince us to come back to him. He pursues us and wants to be with us. If we can take just a bit of that love and begin to turn it outward to each other, we too can say that God has taught us how to love.

Pursuing Good

Paul also speaks of community, doing life together. He says to ‘strive to do what is good for each other and everyone else’ (1 Thess 5:15). I keep getting stuck on that word ‘strive’. The Greek word in this phrase is the same used for ‘persecute’, the same word used when Jesus asks Paul on the road to Damascus ‘why do you persecute me?’ The Greek, in the positive sense here is ‘to earnestly desire to apprehend.’ Wow. This is speaking to me, loudly: how often I have not sought to do good at all, not actively pursued good. I know I have fallen short – missed the mark – sinned. I don’t know what it will look like to actively seek to do good for my brothers and sisters. I think there is something deliberate and there will be choices to make, probably additional sacrifice. Well, that is love, the love I have learned from God.

Paul continues this discussion of life together in 1 Thess 5:11, saying to encourage and lift one another up. Several years ago, I made the choice to be positive about things and speaking good into conversations. It too takes effort, but it has been well worth it. Encouragement is also one of the reasons for this blog. Paul says to encourage one another, in community. I have not had the privilege of always living in places where Christian community has been possible, but the connection available through the internet can bridge that gap. I should also say that I think community should be more than one or two people, getting back to the community being a church, a larger assembly. Encouraging others in Greek has the root ‘close-beside’ and I really think encouraging can only been done from close quarters. (So, please reach out and let me know who are!) The Holy Spirit bridges the gap for us in this case, speaking to us through text and through His word.

Openness to the Spirit

The final point on community that Paul mentions is about the Holy Spirit, that we should not extinguish the Spirit. We shall test prophecies and hold what is good, discarding what is evil (1 Thess 5:19-22). Paul seems to give this as part of his parting list in the first letter, as something to have the church recall at all times, like prayer as he speaks of next. The Holy Spirit is a full member of the Trinity and I can only describe the Holy Spirit as being like air, everywhere and necessary but unable to see except as the result of its presence. I think quenching the Spirit happens when we are not open to the leading of the Spirit, open to the guide, when we do not seek to follow the Word. Maybe a good indication of this, in the corporate body of the church is to consider the last time that prophecy was given and tested in the church. Perhaps if much time has passed, it is time to again invite the Holy Spirit, not only in word but in deed, to revive the fire.

Living in community is a difficult pursuit. I stand firm in believing that the reward will be great in following this admonishment to live in such a way. God is love and works things for our good, so this hard work of community living (by choice), this too, will have good come of it.

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