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A Prayer for Peace in the World

Peace comes only from the Lord

Dear Lord,

In this day and age, there is little hope for peace among the nations, creeds, and races. We see strife in our neighborhoods and on the news: between nations and brother against brother. In all of the verses that mention peace in the Bible, they do not speak of a peace that we men can make. Only you can bring peace. Send your Spirit to dwell among men and women in the business of making peace. Give these men and women an upright heart and a desire to establish peace and settle grievances.

Turn all our hearts to you and the establishment of acceptance, not just tolerance; of understanding, not condemnation; of learning, not assuming. World peace begins with each individual. Set our hearts on your character and your response to those around us. Give us each the peacemaking words to set your peace in men’s hearts. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.