Advent Readings 2023

Advent begins Sunday! It is hard to believe that 11 months have passed in this year and we are so close to Christmas. It has been a blink.

Advent is a time of preparation. We prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s coming 2000 years ago as well as his second coming. He came in victory for each of us at his first coming, and he comes in victory over the world in the second coming. His humble strength and his conquering strength have been seen and will be seen again.

Advent can be a busy time of obligation. So, let us set aside any obligation or guilt for not keeping up with an advent reading calendar. Christ came to set us free from not fulfilling the law and covered all shortfalls. We need only seek him to please him.
If you appreciate a calendar to keep track of the readings and count down the days, please download a simple one below. I did a Luke reading for advent a few years ago and found that it was a wonderful reminder of who Jesus is. It set well in my heart and prepared me to celebrate.

I’d like to invite you to join me in reading one chapter of Luke each day from Dec. 1 to Dec. 24 as a preparation for the celebration of Christmas and anticipation of his coming again. Consider reading it aloud, having a short family time to do so, or even have your Bible app read it to you. Maybe start with a moment of silence and end similarly, focussing on his first coming, then his second coming.


Emotions as Gauge and Not Guide


Thanks to Present